slack, text, zoom = vocal silence

In this new world of slack, text, zoom, and disconnect, so many use their actual speaking voices less and less.

2 plus years in a pandemic, some say they are forgetting how to actually talk to others; feeling uncomfortable doing so and vocally are getting weaker.

What does a weaker voice sound like?
It varies but it can sound tight, thin, and without variety in your expression. You might even feel a tension in your throat area.

What to do?

First, dare to engage with others.
Simple things. Hello and thank you are good places to start.
You don't have to go too far outside your comfort zone - a few steps will do.

Next, have fun with your voice and stay curious.

-Talk speaking in different voices - cartoon voices, mimic (playfully) the voices of family members

-Make bigger sounds than you are used to -

-Hike up to the top of a hill and share you voice with the land and sky -- echo a HELLOOOOOOO

-Take a drive on the highway and tell the car in front of you, why their driver needs to go back to driving school ;) Direct your voice out and forward, imagine that your voice actually reaches them

-Sing for fun - in the shower if you feel shy
-Hum while cleaning, on a walk or where ever

One of my favorite ways to warm up my voice -
Deep belly laugh for 5 minutes ---It not only opens your throat and activates your respiratory muscles, it increases the production of dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins in the brain.

This contributes to so much more than an open voice and sound.
In fact, I would encourage deep belly laughing be part of your every day.

There are so many ways really to activate and exercise the voice.
What are some things that you do to keep your voice warmed up and ready to speak?


3 points to consider whether leading a meeting, giving a presentation, talking on a panel, or interviewing for a job ...


“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.” - John Ford