10 tips to help support you speaking - 1:1 or 1 to many
1. Don't warm up during a conversation - enter warmed up. Prepare BEFORE turning on the camera, taking the call, walking through the door, or onto the stage... If nothing else, start with a full body stretch and full voice yawn. Fill the room with your voice. This will open your throat and activate your voice and body. Lead with your light not your tiredness, agenda or your pains.
2. Try a subtle lean in when you speak and also when they speak; ; feel your weight more on the front of your feet. Engage your big toe (literally press it into the floor, heel still touching too) - it's connected to your Vagus nerve and will help you to stay more present, calm and in the moment.
3. Remember this is an exchange; not a take over.
4. Before you make that call or talk your talk, let your jaw relax; your face soften; feel your weight on your feet; get ready but not rigid.
5. Don't let a slip-up derail your talk; simply take a breath, find your through line, soft smile and get back to the point. Stay engaged with your audience.
6. During a challenging conversation, hold your ground (with ease) but don't hold your breath.
7. Allow for moments of pause to allow your points to sink in - powerful intentional pauses will make impact.
8. Remember your experience. Speak from your place of wisdom. Trust you know what you know. Allow some space for humility.
9. Don't change who you are depending on who you are talking to - your message, tone or intention may shift but you stay you.
10. Check yourself. Do you keep communication lines open or do you shut folks down at times? Unless you are looking to end a relationship, keep the lines open i.e. lean in and keep breathing.