Zoom Facilitation - don’ts and do’s
How many of you have been in a meeting where the facilitator talks so fast you either lose interest or get irritated? Or conversely, they talk so slow you lose interest or get irritated?
Where is the middle ground? How can you stay engaging and engaged?
Well, first of all, we need to remember, whether we are speaking to one or many, that this is a conversation - whether on zoom or in person. It is easy to forget -- there is an agenda, time constraints etc.
I was just in a zoom workshop where I turned down the volume so low because the facilitator was talking so loud and fast that the only way I could stay in the "room" was to basically shut off a bit. They were more concerned with getting out all their information than making true connections. Felt they were talking AT me rather than TO me. Their idea of a "conversation" was to add "does that make sense?" and "you see what I mean?" -- but, these add ons were hypothetical rather then genuine - they weren't really asking us. When they did specifically ask folks their opinion, it felt they were checking off a box of "to dos" - rather than having a real discussion, they found a way to bring it back to their own opinion and preset powerpoint slide.
Consequently, I turned off my camera and focused on other work at hand - only really participating in the break out rooms.
Has this ever happened to you? Have you been this person? Don't be.
Take the time you need; Don't need to share all you know. We don't need to know all you know. Allow for uncomfortable silences; allow others their processing times. Vary your own pace. If you feel yourself quick to speak and fast to talk, allow a breath, a moment to focus, to really see who is in the room. Your audience will feel this respect and care. Because that is what it is, isn't it? It's not about you. It's about them and ultimately, us.